World's #1 Stoner Girl

I've seen a lot of photos on Flickr that would make any parent or guidance counselor cringe with how stupid young people can be about posting incriminating stuff on the internet. But this girl has blown any of these out of the bongwater by a headshop. In addition to photos of her nerdy boyfriend and her dog, her Flickr is full of picture after picture after picture of herself smoking weed out of a variety of bongs, joints, and pipes.

At first I was aghast, but the more I looked through her photostream, the more I was kind of charmed by her. She's so adorable and guileless; it made all this illicitness seems so innocent, what could be addiction comes off instead as exuberance and a artistic dedication to documenting daily bong-rips.

And because I know you want it:

Now, before you go proposing marriage to her, I should warn you - she's also batshit crazy:

Lesson is: drugs don't make you crazy, and not everyone who is crazy does a lot of drugs, but everyone who does a lot of drugs IS crazy. Sorry kids, that's just the rules. No exceptions. 

Wow, this post turned into a real fucking bummer. Just like real life. Sighsies.