How "Woman FAIL" Failed

I've been kicked off a lot of social media platforms at one point or another (several times from Friendster, at elast twice from Myspace, temporary suspension of my Twitter because my avatar was of a ballsack wearing sunglasses, and a stern warning from Foursquare) for misbehaving, but the one that hurt the most was my transvestite fashion Tumblr getting suspended. It was called "Woman Fail" and the photos were from this fascinating niche community on Flickr of cross-dressers who dress up in fairly tame, non-sexy outfits, and then make tons of comments supporting and complimenting the outfit. It's basically the supportive vibe of Scandinavian teen style bloggers posting their daily outfits, but they look like middle aged women in all Talbots gear.

I don't know why it got suspended. It wasn't NSFW (not that there aren't plenty of n00dz on Tumblr), and it's not as if Tumblr has some strict policy about not allowing photos taken from other sites without permission. Maybe someone reported it as offensive? Who knows.

Anyway, Flickr has a very active and prolific transvestite "street style" community. They tend to post descriptions and titles to the photos more than the casual user, which is great. Here's one I found while searching for photos tagged "my 19th birthday". The description is truly sublime:

5th June 1974 - my 19th Birthday
One of my birthday presents from my adored mother was this baby doll nightie. The previous year I had started visiting London and staying at the Philbeach Hotel. She understood but naturally worried about me and always urged me to be ready in case the guests had to evacuate the hotel.